by Yenool » Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:18 am
I guess I didn't really make it clear, I seem to be able to play really well in tourneys and without tilt... I just find I get very stressed out in a cash game and tilt...
In a tourney it is like I have a set goal, make the money, then win it...
How much of a sample size do I need to know how well I will do long run in sit and go tourneys? - Because at the moment I only have 34 logged on my database (though I have played many more than that) and I make the money 73% of the time with 'ROI%' 114.61 ... I know these figures probably can't be maintained but If I could keep it above 50% I would be doing well?
Maybe I just need to improve my cash game so I have a clear tactic like I do in the sit & go tournaments?
Holdem Newbie...