by gdaviet » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:45 am
I've stated before that I use a bankroll generally based on 20 buy-ins with a hard floor on 10 buy-ins to move back down a level. This looks great in theory, but I ran into a big problem when I put it into practice. This bankroll required me to sustain a 10 buy-in draw-down before moving back down a level.
It appears I cannot mentally, emotionally, whatevery handle a 10 buy-in draw down. Somewhere between 4 and 5 buy-ins I start going crazy. I think the players at the new level have my play all figured out. I think my 'old' playing style won't work at this new level. I think ... I think ... I think ... bang, I tilt and start changing my playing style to 'find one that works'.
Inevitably, I spend a lot of time spinning my wheels, not gaining or losing much ground until I finally give up, move WAY down, and rebuild my game from square one. While I'm always a slightly better player for rebuilding, I go from making good money, to making almost no money for weeks / months on end while I play ridiculusly low levels. After doing this for the second time this year, I decided to rethink my bankroll.
The New Improved Bankroll: Going broke has never been an issue. I simply can't stomach a loss anywhere near the size needed to go broke. My emotional limit seems to be about 4 buy-ins. If that's all I'm willing to lose in reality, why have a bankroll designed to handle draw-downs 2 1/2 times that size?
I've changed my bankroll to fit the reality of my emotional capabilities instead of my skill and theoritical risk-of-ruin. To play at a given level, my bankroll needs to be 8x the buy-in of that level. That gives me enough for my 4 buy-in loss PLUS 4x the buy-in of all the previous levels. Given a horrendously bad run, this has enough money to walk down 4 buy-ins per level all the the to zero (at which point, maybe I should re-engineer my game again).
This permits me to play bigger games with a smaller bankroll, and keeps me emotionally balanced. I hit one 3 buy-in draw-down after moving up a level. Instead of my normal initial signs of tilt, I just kept playing realizing that after 1 more buy-in, I'd just move down. It happened at the level that has always been my breaking point. Instead of crumbling though, I kept playing my A game, and went on to break that level for 25 PTBB's / 100 before moving up.
More bang for my buck, and better reign on my emotions. Seems like a winning situation.