*I decided to put this here because I didn't know where else to go with it*
Background info. At the moment I play exclusively at Party, all hands are Party NL25. I used to play NL50 as my main game for about a year between Party and UB and had decent success with it although at the time I had not been introduced to the joys of PokerTracker. I moved up to NL100 for a while but I took a downswing and got discouraged and went back to NL50, recently, needing money for stuff made me take a big hit to the bankroll while sitting on my ass not working all summer and barely playing any poker either. The bankroll sat at $500 and I decided I would just play NL25 for a while to get some stats in PT, see how my play was going etc. since I wouldn't really need to be taking any money out for a while (and won't for the moderate future). I feel like I've been playing pretty well and things are going pretty well, and am ready to go to NL50. My concerns are as follows: 1.) Sample size, the database is exactly 10k hands played, representing the past month of play or so since I started playing NL25, I worry that this isn't enough hands to make solid conclusions based on, what do you think? 2.) Winrate, I feel great about my winrate right now because none of my poker playing friends are putting up numbers like this and some of them I greatly respect, however, I hear about people on here putting up long term winrates of like 17PTBB's at NL25 and it makes me feel like I must not have actually really mastered NL25 yet since other people are beating it more than I am. Is this some kind of fallacy? Anyway.....here's the info....
Any comments would be appreciated.