Bankroll Management
Current BR $166
SNG BR Management
9 man SNGs only
4 SNGs session... total buy ins should be 5% of BR at most!!!!!
2 SNGs session... total buy ins should be 7.5% of BR at most!!!!
Starting now
$166 BR
4 $2.00 SNGs session or 2 $5.00 SNGs session
$400 BR
4 $5.00 SNGs session or 2 $10.00 SNGs session
$800 BR
4 $5.00 SNGs session or 2 $20.00 SNGs session
Cash Game BR Management
4 Tabling is how I prefer to play cash games
Start with .05/.10
Move to .10/.25 with a $400 BR 16 buy ins ,move back down when i have 12 buyins
Move to .25/.50 with a $1000 BR 20 buy ins, move back down when have 15 buyins
80-100 buyins for freeze outs
Not gonna play rebuys till BR is $500Statistics: Posted by OMGxALLiN — Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:06 pm