So if you use a 15X Buy In Rule (that's what I follow), you need $750 to be rolled for $50 tables. When you get to $1500, you are rolled for $100 tables. But if you then lose a few buy ins at the $100 tables, most guys try to stick it out (since they "earned" their way up there and feel they deserve to be there). But they are no longer rolled for it, and should pull back to $50 tables until they are back at $1500 roll again. Most don't do this, and a combined run of coolers and tilt destroy their bankroll and they are bust.
You can test the waters at a level above your roll, but you must be disciplined and pull back when you take a hit. It's also obvious, but when you withdraw from your bankroll, you are leaching your bankroll, and hurting/slowing your goal of moving up.
If you are at $1500 roll, I recommend playing a table or 2 at the new level, while continuing to hit your regular level to keep building. Just be careful not to mix up bet sizing when you are playing different buy in tables (don't laugh, it happens).
JCStatistics: Posted by Notorious_JC — Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:37 am