I think SD numbers would be more reliable for the guys playing the higher stakes. I think for us playing relatively for a short periiod of time that information could be misleading because most of us have been developing, changing styles and adapting.
My winrate for more than 15K hands at NL$50 was way higher than it was at NL$50 but I dont think it has to be with quality of game. I have been having a lot of fun playing LAG and doing crazy stuff and i have 10.2ptBB/100 anyway.
I know the winrates must be lower as you move up because of the game quality but I think 25% is way high. I started at NL$25, I am playing currently at NL$50 and have played a few hands of NL$100 and the jump in game quality is not that huge. Noticeable, not nothing huge.
I just hope the games stay soft for a while.
Statistics: Posted by AlexMR — Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:55 pm