Hey all
Well, nearly 4k hands racked up at 3/6 HE at empire now and I'm, unfortunately, also pushing 400 down
I wouldn't be too concerned with that number after that many hands.
I feel i'm playing reasonably well and being a bit unlucky, but equally I feel i'm playing far from perfectly and missing a few bets. Thing is, multitabling as much as I do, I don't feel I'm liable to play THAT much better than I am currently, so I'd appreciate any input on this. Here's some of my numbers and concerns:
VPIP 13.7% - don't think this'll ever get much higher. If anything I feel I am playing too many hands, perhaps my only issue is not defending my blind often enough to steals
I think this number is just fine.
Question - I raise PF with a hand like AQo and someone 3-bets.... Decent enough to call and then take one off if I miss the flop? I'm routinely making plays like this against average players and wonder if it's a leak. Same with the likes of 88, 99, AJs etc in MP and LP.
Your preflop raise here is fine and you have to call the 3 bet to see the flop but keep in mind that you are likely trailing probably 85-90% of the time here. If you miss the flop I think you should just fold to a bet. Let's say it is heads up and there are 7.33 small bets in the pot, in calling his flop bet you are now getting a little over 8:1 which would be fine IF all of your outs were good but I doubt that this will be the fact a vast majority of the time. I think a check fold here is much better than fishing for a card that may get you into more trouble if you hit it.
VPIP SB 18% - so I play 5% more hands. Probably I call too much from SB, given it's the worst position. is 5% more ok, given it's 2/3 of a SB to call? Or should I be just as tight as the other positions? I don't feel i'm leaking much here.
My VIP% for 36 limit = 11.37 My VIP% for SB = 11.85 As you can see I play the SB the same way I would play a hand UTG. Would I call this hand UTG, if not it goes in the muck and they can fight over my 1.00.
Question - if it's folded to me in the SB i routinely raise hands like A4o. Sometimes I win the BB outright, sometimes he calls. I usually bet the flop then, regardless. I have won one or two nice pots by just betting hard in this spot although I feel i'm not always picking my spots. I won quite a big pot with A3o when I made a steal raise from LP, he popped back with the blind, I capped, raised him on the flop, then bet the turn when he checked- he folded and I won unimproved! I don't make a habit of that though, perhaps not even enough.
My advice again is just fold here unless you have a real hand and by a real hand I don't mean Ax or a smallish pocket pair. You are still out of position and have only 1.00 invested. Perhaps something as high as A9 I would raise or a big K but most of the other stuff I am going to muck. Perhaps too tight for most others but that's just my thinking on the subject with so little invested preflop. Now with 2/3 of the bet in in a game like 15-30 then that is a different story. If I do play a hand from the SB heads up I won't be limping in.
If it's folded to me in the last two seats, or the SB, is it OK to raise just about any half decent holding (Axo, Axs, Kxs, low pairs, suited connectors etc etc)?
Honestly probably ok and will show a small +EV although I generally muck most of the time with those kinds of hand. Doesn't make sense you say why muck if you are getting a small +EV. Well if I was playing only one table or I was playing live I would be raising alot more than those hands from late position but when I am 4 and 5 tabling I just keep it simple and don't try to push every small edge I have.
Fold SB to steal 88%
Fold BB to steal 66%
Me 89% SB BB 47.5% As you can see I defend alot more hands than you from the blind, particularly when it's heads up because I am getting 3.3:1 on my call so I don't need much. I have written about this elsewhere but I am MUCH more likely to defend my blind with some sort of garbage hand rather than say A8 or KJ, particularly if the raise came from an EP player. And what do I mean by garbage hand, anything from 27o to 105 if you catch my drift, any two non paint cards is a criteria that I usually go by.
Question - I fold 66% of BBs that are raised? IS that what this means? If so, should I be seeing flops with more than a third of the hands, given i'll be getting like 3-1, 4-1 odds minimum? What hands should I defend with I have a real problem with this, stuff like A8s or whatever, well i need to connect or else i'm folding on the flop; something like 78s is well disguised but hardly ever hits a playable flop, so i'm then folding that... even low-mid pairs aren't really going anywhere cos I don't REALLY have odds to hit a set, needing to get probably 2 BBs out of the raiser each time I hit (well, maybe I do have odds sometimes... I usually call small pairs to a raise in the BB anyhow).
Att. to steal blinds 24% - too low?
Me 17.2%. Again I am ultra tight and anytime I raise you wouldn't actually be calling it a steal because I have a hand.
Won $ when saw flop - 33%; given it's rare for more than 3 or 4 players to see a flop, is this a little low? Evidence of a bad run, or perhaps folding some winners??? I don't feel like I'm folding many winners, though perhaps i am laying down weak hands sometimes when i dont try to steal often enough... thought I feel I AM stealing quite often and usually get caught! Maybe that's just my mental image and perhaps i am playing too tight-passive...
W$SP 36%
Went to SD% - 26% - this seems ludicrously low. Again, just a bad run or a sign of something wrong? What numbers do you guys have?
WTSD 35.33% perhaps a little high by me
Won $ at SD% - 60% - this seems about right - given my low WTSD and W$WSF numbers, does this mean i'm just running bad?
W$SD 51.25%, perhaps the result of the above number
PFR% - 6.6% - I'm not likely to be raising any more hands. Already I am sometimes making raises I feel uncomfortable with, Like AJs in most seats and pairs like 88 and 99 etc. Maybe I could raise a few more things in LP, like A9o, ATo etc first to act?
PFR%: 7.66
BB/100 - minus 1.58
BB/100 (-0.07)
AA - playing this fine. 85% winning so far, 2.5BB/hand
KK - 1.6 BB/hand, won $ at showdown only 63% though?
QQ - 0.6BB/hand ugh. 50% W$SD
JJ - 0.33 BB /hand. 75% W$SD. Small sample but maybe folding too often?
TT - -0.17BB/hand (Losing) 40% W$SD
AKo - 0.17BB/hand 50%W$SD
AKs - 0.8BB/hand 50%W$SD
AQs - 0.38BB/hand 75%W$SD
AQo - 0.23BB/hand 50%W$SD
AJs and AJo are both losers/break even, AT is a loser for me (ATs a small winner, ATo a slightly larger loser, -0.53BB/hand)
KQs and KQo are both around break even, I have a 33% and 25% PFR% respectively. OK?
Pairs below TT ar 0.06BB/100. VPIP for these combined is 60%. Is this too high, or about right?
Total post-flop: 2.80
Flop: 3.5
Turn: 3.4
River: 2.1
FLOP 2.8
Turn: 2.4
River 1.4 Mine probably a little low, yours about right.
Too passive on river? I've maybe missed a bet or two here, but then also I seem to be being run down a LOT at the moment when I hold a middle pair or something, bet all the way, just for some passive goon to turn over a strong top-pair.
Anyway, food for thought! I must admit i'm a bit put off by limit again, when I used to play about 2 years it seemed to me i won a lot more, I think the games were a lot easier back then, but I WOULD like to be a decent winner in the medium term, and being that I'm only 400 down i guess that's possible, but I'd have liked to have been doing better after 4k hands really.
Thoughts from you limit-ites, please!
As I said in another recent post sometimes good players can run bad a long time and there is nothing much wrong with their game. If you think you are playing a solid game and from your numbers I suspect you are, although I would start defending my BB a little more, things should iron themself out over time. Statistics: Posted by piersmajestyk — Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:42 pm