Nevertheless, I think there were two options for you on the flop - you could have three-bet it, or you could have flat-called, if you were scared of the ace. What I would do in this situation would be pretty read-dependent, but in either situation, I'd find it really difficult to throw away my kings to a check-raise unless I was positive that BB had already outplayed me. The thing is that pre-flop action was pretty weak all-around. You have two cold-callers pre-flop, and BB calls an extra bet with the garbage he had? That seems very fishy to me. So with this group, I think I would have been more apt to actually re-raise BB, if I thought he was weak enough. Barring a decent read on any of these guys, I would have called the extra bet on the flop, and check-called it down, unless there was any significant action on the later streets.
To be honest, with the way pre-flop was played by the other guys, the best hand I could give any credit for would be two pair anyway - with that in mind, then, I've really got quite a few outs at a decent redraw, if I am behind on the flop. I'm only a sure-fire loser if I've put someone on an ace...
I dunno - I'd like to hear what the others have to say about this hand. But I don't think I would have been able to fold KK to that check-raise. Maybe this is me playing it weakly... Statistics: Posted by musicman80 — Thu May 26, 2005 10:37 am