(1) Your winrate for AKo is pretty low, almost breakeven. I was recently looking at my database, and was pretty surprised at how much of my total win has been from this one hand. Your BB/hand for AK should probably be around .4 or .5. Perhaps you've been overplaying it when it misses, or not extracting maximum value when it hits?
(2) Your winrate from EP should be a bit higher. It looks as though you may be playing a few too many speculative/marginal hands UTG and in EP. I can't really chide you too much on this, because I play too many hands in EP too...but try to hunker down and only play premium hands early on. I'd recommend 99-AA, AK and AQ in the first two positions, nothing else.
(3) This is a minor point, but I actually think your "Won $ at SD" stat could stand to be a bit lower. Only a bit, mind you, but there have probably been a few spots along the way where you folded an unlikely winner and lost a pot you should've won. That happens to all of us occasionally, but it can be a significant leak when the pot gets very large.
-TWStatistics: Posted by TightWad — Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:04 am