Take a look at my Pokertracker numbers:
Total Hands: 588
Amount won: ($75.50) [Yep, negative $75.50]
BB/100: (6.42)
VP$IP: 22.11% (130 out of 588)
Raise PF: 10.37%
Went to Showdown: 30.77% (48 out of 156)
Won $ at SD: 43.75% (21 out of 48)
Saw flop all hands: 26.53%
Saw flop not a blind: 15.48 %
Folded SB to Steal: 8 out of 9
Folded BB to Steal: 4 out of 18
Fold BB to Steal HU: 1 out of 13
Att to Steal Blinds: 34.55% (19 out of 55)
Steal Success:
No Flop %: 26%
Fold%: 21.05%
Ww/oSD%: 42.11%
WSD%: 36.84%
W$SD%: 71.43
Aggression Factors:
PF: 0.70
Flop: 2.30
Turn: 2.28
River: 1.56
Total: 1.30
total pocket Pairs: 38 (38/588 = 6.46%)
Hit Sets: 2 (2/38 = 5.26%)
AA: 3 wins out of 3 times; $ per hand: $5.92
KK 0
QQ: 3 for 4 (1 set); $/hand: $1.25
JJ: 1 for 2; $/hand: $2.75
TT: 0 for 1; $/hand: -$3.00
99: 0 for 1
88: 1 for 4; $/hand: -$2.75
77: 1 for 2
66: 0 for 2
55: 1 for 4 (1 set); $/hand: $0.63
44: 1 for 3; $/hand: $1.50
33: 0 for 4
22: 2 for 8; $/hand: $0.13
My top winning hands:
K7o - 4 for 7; Total$: $23.75
QJs - 2 for 3; Total$: $16.25
K2o - 2 for 8; Total$: $11.00
T9s - 1 for 3; Total$: $10.50
K3o - 1 for 8; Total$: $6.00
Other big hands.
AK (suited and Unsuited) 4 for 9; Total$: -$4.75
AQ (suited and Unsuited) 7 for 11; Total$: $5.25
So, I've gotten the big hands (AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AKs, AKo, AQs, AQo) 29 times
So Tier 1 hands (I think those are tier 1 hands) 29 out of 588 = 4.93%
Am I just getting really bad cards? What do my numbers tell you? It seems no one is folding to any of my bets. And I am losing a lot of hands to pair over pair ( I have JJ, dude to my left has QQ, and all under cards). that seems to happen a lot.
The tables over at bet365 seems to be really really tight aggressive. Every single hand has at least one raiser, and it is folded to the CO or button a lot.
Am I defending my blinds to much? if yo ulook at my top hands listing, there are some wacky hands there. More than likely that was because I defened my blind. Obviously I am not going to enter a pot with K2o.
What else can I tell you. I need help with my limit game bad. I kick azz in SNGs (See my journal for those stories)
Help!Statistics: Posted by LuparFiend — Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:00 pm