Ace-rag suited stats:
968 occurrences in 27742 hands...
Win%: 45.45%
VP$IP: 89.46%
PFR: 40.08%
RFI: 18.39%
WtSD: 39.95%
W$SD: 55.76%
BB/Hand: 0.35
Over 3/6 and 5/10 only...
434 occurrences in 12056 hands...
Win: 44.24%
VP$IP: 84.79%
PFR: 40.09%
RFI: 22.58%
WtSD: 35.54%
W$SD: 55.93%
BB/Hand: 0.30
I lose money at 3/6 and 5/10 with AJs, A8s, A5s, and A2s (which tells me there's luck involved, since it should likely be smoother)Statistics: Posted by Tiburon — Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:06 pm