I took a couple of days off from poker and came back tonight feeling fresh.
I made a couple of huge overbets to make them look like bluffs, and got called once. (KJ) on board of KKAxK got called (quads paid off!), and (88) on board of 8TQAx did not. (I was out of position and went for the slowplay because of his large PF raise, but he didn't bet enough.)
I also got all my money in preflop with AA, caught 3 callers (1 full stack, 2 shortstacks). Won that one too.
So in all of 15 minutes of play tonight, I am up more than 3 buy-ins. It's only 30 bucks, but being 10 ahead sure feels a helluva lot better than being 20 down on this site. Statistics: Posted by k3nt — Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:27 pm