I went and played on the new beta software for a bit. The sound could use a bit of work. The table is TOTALLY setup so that PA HUD would be very easy to use. Too bad Bodog isn't PT compatible.
I also managed to piss a guy off while I was there. I was busy checkin out all the features while I was playing and therefore not really paying attention and I inadvertently called his raise when I only had J6 off, flop came down K66 and he had AK so he was betting it and when I check raised him on the river he went ballistic when he saw what I had. Was quite funny actually. I don't normally chat with folks but I couldn't help it this time. I just made sure to let him know that I was headed out to buy my lunch with his money when I left a few minutes later.
Unfortunately, I didn't try to multitable so I can't tell you about that yet.Statistics: Posted by SebQtaneus — Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:35 pm