I use "combined 1" and "combined 2".. it shows stats that I choose in "configure" and those are.
combined 1: voluntarily put money in the pot %/ preflop raise %/ total aggression postflop / won at showdown
combined 2: fold to flop bet % / fold to turn bet % / fold to river bet % / toatl hands
I also chose to put the PT autorate icon in the box where players name shows just to quickly see what he is like... If I need additional or more detailed info, I click on the players name and check the stats there..
Only thing that I like more at GT+ was that it shows my current stats as I play also.. I mean, so does PAHUD, but you have to click on yourself..... or maybe I am missing some checkbox ..
Hope that helps..
edited: PAHUD file added...
Statistics: Posted by RedBarracuda — Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:33 am