On the turn, with minimal money invested in the pot, I would raise or fold. But seriously, do you expect a cut and dry answer here? It's easy to look for a quick "play hand X in situation Z in this way" solutions to poker problems but cases like this are very situational and depend greatly on your reads of the opponent and the situation. I think it would be misleading for me to attempt to give any sort of answer, and kinda missing the point too - considerations you need to be thinking about include:
a) How loose the all-in raiser is - would he make this move with less than the nuts?
b) How loose the EP player is - will he call off his stack here with a marginal draw (i.e. if you're behind the AA from the all in player, can you make your money back in the sidepot if EP calls and misses a draw?)
c) What are the implications of you taking a marginal gamble here in future hands, if you win/lose?
d) How good is my read here, on either player?
If your read on either player was minimal (often the case for me because I play multiable tables) then I would probably lean towards acting on my gut feeling and fold. I agree with you in that it is a high risk situation (even if you're ahead there's liable to be a whole world of cards that kill you), and I would also suspect that a low set would've bet on the flop, making that hand less likely... So, most likely youre up against a monster draw or a set that cripples you.
I would likely have ignored my gut feeling, called, and lost to the set of aces Statistics: Posted by Felonius_Monk — Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:52 pm