Every single AA/KK I had got busted by a set. Every set/boat I had got busted by a higher one. Ahigh flushes to straight flushes. It was all literally that ridiculous.
I did make one mistake where I had QQ with a flush draw on a low board. I believe it was 7-2-9. I was fairly certain my opponent had AA, but I pushed my chips in anyway. Not a horrible play, but that's the worst play I made all day IMO. I should have listened to myself and stopped about a hour before I did. I was hoping I could grind out of the rut, but I just continued to get pummeled into the ground.
The very last hand I lost today was AA vs AA all in preflop. That's what made me insta-close FTP for the day. Enough was enough.
Days like this are EXTREMELY discouraging for me and this is hard for me to get over. The last 4-5 days of playing and doing well is destroyed, my winrate is crap...I don't know. It just affects me mentally, even though I know that I should be beating this game, and in time I will earn the money back. My BR is down to around $800 instead of around $900, where I was itching to close in on $1,000. But alas, that is a long journey away for me once again. It seems like it never fails for me to get smashed on the head as soon as I begin to feel good about how I've been playing. I still dont' feel like I played terribly today. In fact, I feel that my opponents played absolutely miserably, but the miracles were hitting.
Statistics: Posted by Absolution — Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:34 pm