A couple of questions for short stackers.
What tables do you search out in terms of Players/flop%?
I don't table select at all - if I did I would be interested in high average pot as that tends to mean players who raise more loosely.
I've been using PokerStove to give me ev numbers when I'm the button against the blinds. This helps me decide if I'm going to raise them or not. I also take into consideration their stats. Do any of you have a hand range to raise against a tight player, loose player when I'm on the button?
If you mean push all in over a raise then I go on either PFR (downgraded a little for EP raisers) or blind steal % (if they are first in from CO/OTB or SB). As a rule a tight raiser 5-10% or re-raiser is getting a lot of credit from me and I may even fold AK/ TT to them (although if I am deep enough with position I am more likely to just call and evaluate flop).
Anyone with % over 10% cards like AK,AA-TT are auto-shoves.
vs a standard CR type raiser (15-20%) the borderline for shoves is more around the AJs/88 area.
For over 20% raisers then you can think about shoving over with A9s, 66 etc - what matters when you stove is is also their folding range. Against players who fold more you can tend to afford to shove slightly worse hands.
If you mean when do I raise OTB with a limper ahead - the answer is maybe 2/3 of the hands I choose to play. If the blinds are passive enough to be fairly likely to get in 4 way then I might limp an SC or something, but if I think a limper is likely to have a marginal hand I will often raise it up to 2.5-3BB in LP. The reason I don't raise more is that when you are 20BB stacked and have position you are throwing away positional advantage the more you raise - if you have monsters like AA KK QQ in position this doesn't matter as much as the hands are so strong and you don't really mind having to make a pot-committing CB on the flop, but otherwise a smaller raise is best.Statistics: Posted by excession — Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:24 am