Here is me in front of the Colosseum:
Me and Melissa on the the Ponte Sisto bridge at the end of our street:
Time is nearly up here in Rome (and Europe) and its starting to sink in that my extended traveling holiday is almost over. Had an amazing time and so it's sad to see it come to an end, but I'm also a little homesick and part of me is definitely looking forward to being home. That said, there are still about 3 weeks left in the trip and thats quite a bit of time all things considered. Plus my parents are flying out in two days and its been over six months now since I've seen them so that should be great!
There hasn't been a lot of time for pokering lately, a few casual HU SnG's toward the beginning of the month, one or two decent sessions of 200NL and a few hours of drunk NL50.
Here's a few hands from the NL50:
Played fairly maniacally at about 38/28/2.5 over 700 hands for $161ish
More goofy preflopness, and flop minraise:
Turning my 88s into a bluff against my dad (korak):
Rivered for 150BB against my flopped flush with SF outs:
Retarded Bluff (among other things) where I misread stack sizes:
Biggest hand of the night (amusing chat): Posted by ToastedMoses — Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:28 pm