The second hand is a little bit tougher. I'm having a tough time putting villian on a hand, and the reason why is because most min raisers have some sort of a pair. I don't think he has KK, which means the only set he could have hit is TT. Otherwise he would dump any other pair on the flop. There is an outside chance he could have AK but if he was halfway decent he would know you have AA (or KK), either of which he is almost drawing dead against. Regardless, one thing I would have done is lead for a little less than the size of the pot. Although there is a flush draw, you shouldn't be too worried since they called your re-raise preflop. People rarely call re-raises without wired pairs, unless it's with AK. Either way, with the out and possibly the out if you have it, it's unlikely that either of them are on the flush draw. If you lead for about $20, then you can probably lead again on the turn for about 1/2 pot and get away from it, but as it is I would probably check the turn if you both have fairly deep stacks, or go ahead and push if either of you doesn't have that much left.Statistics: Posted by Mad Genius — Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:08 am