I need to remember when I reply to think about the lower buy in SnG's also. In the $50 and the $100 buy in the play is not much tougher then the $20 SnG's the difference is the amount of money a mistake cost you.
When playing a $100 SnG I am going to make the money first. I will make the money 80% of the time if I don't cripple myself. If you go all in with KK or QQ at the bubble a bigger stake is going to call you with Ax. If the sites you play on are like mine then a A hits the board about 75% of the time. So I am happy just doubling my buy in. Of course it is nice adding $400 to your BR but if I play 5 SnG's and only win one 1st all I did was break even minus the rake. If I play 5 SnG's and win 1 place 2 in 1 and place third in one miss the other 2. Now I made $400 for 5 hours work. Again minus the rake.
I knocked myself out of 2 MTT's Monday night both at the bubble One was only $15 but had a $3000 prize pool. That one I was playing aggressive wanting to move up. I went all in with QQ got called by KK and was bounched in 19th. Top 18 make the money. No big deal here unless your in the top 5 and the top 3 is were the money really is.
The second one which I was playing at the same time was a $50 buy in top 5 get paid. I was not getting any cards and was stealing a few blinds only to pay them back. I pushed with JJ with 7 players left. I was one of 2 short stacks. Of course got called by Ax and the ace flopped. Here 5th paid almost $200. I love turning $50 into $200. So I should have slowed down and made the bubble.
In both of these MTT's I was chip leader and one point or the other. As I studied my play later I realized I got to aggressive before the bubble. Some Pro's will tell you this is a good time to pick up chips but it is also a good time to get busted.
I want to make the money first then I like to get aggressive and move up. One thing I hate to do is put chips back into the game once they are in my stack.
Try avoid calling all in's when your covered a few times and see if your ITM% doesn't improve. I have found that once your ITM even if your short stacked it is not that hard to double up and catch up.
I recomend this play if your building a bank roll or playing $50+ SnG's In the lower limit SnG's were play is weaker I even find myself loosening up.Statistics: Posted by TexasKowboy — Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:03 pm