I did an experiment about a year ago which was going all in with AA KK and sometimes AKS. Although it depends on which side you play ( party being the best result ).
It was a huge succes and I got enough callers to make it profitable.
NEVER EVER limp...never. Early in the stng and you have no read yet 5 times the BB is still not giving you much info. It will get you a big pot but it still is not very comforting if the board comes J 10 7 and there are 2 or 3 players in.
If you bet big like 10 or 20 times the BB ( let's say the BB is 20 ) then the others know you got a group 1 hand.
But strangely when you go all in some idiot ( there are lots of them in stng's ) decides that you are bluffing and thinks his KQ off will sort you out.
Another benefit to the all in strategy is that people may think you are reckless and stupid for making that move. And if you make the move again they will think twice of calling marginal hands when they are to act before you because you may go all in again. This will also allow you to see free cards when in position.
And it is not so rare to find AK KK QQ against you when you have AA.
So I am not saying you should always do this. But when you have got no reads and it is in the very early stages it has proven to be a very good option.
I play a lot of stngs and doing well. I am not a millionaire but I can support all my other hobbies with my biggest passion.
Tommyhawk.Statistics: Posted by tommyhawk — Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:43 am