Also, at this stage in a tournament I would call with AK against QJ but that has absolutely no prevelence in the hand in question. The right play with AA preflop to a raise is to reraise. That is bottom line plain and simple clear as day no questions asked. PERIOD. Anything else is asking to get sucked out on like both people who did it in this post have done. good job going broke with nice stacks when you could have taken it down preflop. Keep being greedy, and keep trying to "break" someone when you do not need to.
Do you really not understand that after the flop all you have is 1 pair. The average hand to win a pot in hold em is 2 pair. So this is absolutely absurd that this topic is this discussed on the most obvious of plays.Statistics: Posted by Henderson121 — Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:44 am