This is for 2/4 limit
My current pfA is at 6%, but I'd like it to be in the neighborhood of 7%. Currently this is my 'general' pre-flop raising strategy(btw, my vpip is 10.36% if that affects anything):
MP: +99, KQ, AJ
LP: +A10s in a multiway pot, if I am first person in the pot - KJ, QJ, any PP
What hands should I include? Maybe AJs from ep? What about ATs/KJs from mp? Are these hands I should only add if I am the first in or should I raise them regardless?
Btw, I started with a Sklanskian 'tight table' low-limit pre-flop strategy, but this seemed to get me in trouble since the 2/4 on prima averages 30-35% psf and his strategy is made for 3-5 people to the flop, so these tables are on the tighter end of the spectrum. I found that when I did raise with these marginal hands I just ran into bigger hands or borderline post-flop decisions. I am afraid if I open up anymore that I will be giving up too much. What about you all that play 5/10 or higher? I'm sure you all are used to the 30% psf tables, how do you handle them?