My last post under VIP greater than 20% has lead to this post about what kind of earnings you should expect at a certain liimit while multitabling at online lower limit games. These numbers I am throwing out are certainly welcome to criticism from others as they are my best guestimates due to my playing style and ability and are mainly just an approximate guideline to those just starting out and wondering how much can be made per hour if they play well which is the hardest part of the equation I believe to solve. Again if my numbers deviate largely from some of your results taken over a large number of hands feel free to help me tweak these numbers. I believe they are perhaps a little conservative but not much so and the ability of the player between being a 0.5 BB/hr winner versus being a 1.5 BB/hr player will have a large affect on your numbers as well.
Number of tables played
0.50-1.00 limit:---------5.10-------6.40-----------8.00
1-2 limit-----------------8.00-------10.50---------13.00
2-4 limit----------------14.50------18.00--------- 22.50
3-6 limit----------------17.00------21.60--------- 27.00
5-10 limit---------------25.00----- 30.00--------- 37.50