by piersmajestyk » Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:55 pm
i would probably lead that flop in most instances and see if i get called and if i do i am likely done with the hand barring improvement which is a better line than check folding the flop but probably not by much. hu i am much more likely to go to showdown but not when it has been raised and cold called and I am out of position. i am not particularly fond of the idea of throwing in in all probability another 2.5 BB with second pair in a multiway raised pot OOP as there is more generally lost than to be gained. say you have the best hand on the flop and call the better, they are very likely going to check behind on the turn and probably fold to your river bet (4 BB pot in many cases(2.5 gain for you)) with most hands that you beat. Add in the times you are dominated and perhaps lose an extra bet or two when you both improve and the times the original raiser CR the flop trapping you for one lost bet and maybe more I think a check fold is not that out of line at all. It is just my very strong opinion that it is going to be extremely difficult OOP in the long run to make up the bets you are going to lose when you are behind on the flop.