I was waiting for my girlfriend today, and did not have time to start a tourney, so I sat down at a 3/6 Limit game. First hand I limp in w/ QJ, flop two pair, there are three of us jamming the pot and it is quickly capped w/ 4 players seeing the turn. Turn comes another J, so now I have a boat and the nuts unless some someone limped w/ QQ, and the flush draws are drawing dead. Of course none of the flush draws give up. Pot gets capped on turn and river and I take down a $163 pot my first hand after posting behind the button.
2nd hand I am dealt AKs and come in raising, flop an open ender which hits on the river. The pot is again capped on the river while I have the mortal nuts this time. Sadly only one opponent stays all the way. $82 pot. I played the rest of the orbit and left. 7 hands, 7 minutes, +141.00. That's what I call a session. It makes all the bad beats worth it.