by MecosKing » Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:06 pm
meh- i have seen that move alot in limit especially in SH, raisinitup when you pickup a draw. It always looks good when you can get someone to fold, and always looks stupid when you get there and it turns out the other guy had a set and you got tremendously lucky, or you miss and get called by a good hand, and you fire off much more than you had to. Its really a matter of whether or not you think theres any fold equity in makin the move. Against a mizor that calls most or all raises and sees the showdowns with just about anything when he is invested in the pot heavily, this move is stupid. Against someone that can laydown a marginal hand, this is a good move. For example, if the straight missed, i think Q9 would have thought seriously about laying his hand down on the river, so here it was a good move. Of course if the guys a testicle and wouldnt lay any pair here, then it wasnt that great. It comes down to feeling alot of the time-- if ya think he hasnt got alot and might lay the hand down, you raise his ass. If you think hes gotta hand, or that he'll stubbornly call you with a tiny pair, then you shouldnt do this.
In THIS particular pot with this action, i would not have done this. Way too easy for someone to have a hand that they are going to call you with, and too easy to have the thing goto lots of bets on the turn, say if the guy behind you threebet it instead of folded. I like the move, but i agree with xas's self - evaluation of it in this particular spot, it was mizorly conduct for its own sake. Of course, if he put the one mizor on Q9 and the other guy on, well, whatever he had that wasnt worth callin with, then hey, nice move.
NorthViewBTP: poor old ED
NorthViewBTP: from gun totin beer swiller
NorthViewBTP: to limp wristed defender of fagdom
Mekos King: NV ignoring
Jimmy BTP: he's ignoring me too
Jimmy BTP: obv fell asleep in his colostomy bag
Jimmy BTP: running shite everywhere
neelguru: I gave up politics when I was 6
neelguru: Im dedicating the rest of my life to getting unstuck