I use Poker Tracker extensivly to data mine. I also use Poker Edge extensivly in combination with Poker Tracker when I play.
The combination really gives me a strong idea of how a player plays and more importantly for this discussion what there stats are.
With this in mind I have seen several players( at least 30) that have in my opinion horrible stats, but I know consistantly win money(from poker tracker and other misc notes that I put on them recording there winnings).
The stats that I'm talking about usually fall into two areas. One group of loose players look like this- above 50% VP$IP, above 2.5 post flop agg, and above 10% pre flop rse.
The other group looks pretty much the same except they have really low post flop agg, like 0.5 or 0.6.
I have seen several players in each area win $ consistantly(sometimes over hundreds of hands with me at the table, in one sessiion). I dont understand how they do this. I was hoping that someone could comment on both types of players and help me understand how there pulling this off. There all playing $100 NL at Party skins. Thanks in advance