by MindOverMatter » Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:35 pm
I think when you consider limping with JJ in early position you need to consider two other factors that haven't already been mentioned: table texture and your table image.
If you are being seen as a rock at the table, I recommend going ahead and raising with JJ in EP. You probably aren't raising 'enough' in some player's minds already and you will likely be able to bluff on a board with a single overcard. In most games where I play JJ like this I win almost as many pots when the A or K comes as when it comes under me.
Also, the crazier the table is playing the more sense it makes to play JJ weakly; I recommend playing it stronger on tighter tables. You will be able to put your opponents on a hand easily on a table full of rocks.
At the looser Party low stakes tables it probably does make sense to make a limp with JJ in EP a good standard play.