by Juskimo » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:14 am
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Eskimo baseball at midnight (and a rare shot of me in something besides a tigers hat).
Guess which one is the lawyer.
My specter against the glass at 10 am on a winter morning
Just for the hell of it, a really hot chick from the past (yes, thank you, you damn degenerates).
[23:42] Mekos King: and lookin bck on it all
[23:42] Mekos King: I FEEL RICH JEWISH GUILT
<spank_her_pair> whats everyone up 2?
<stickdude> watching Pok's AA get stomped on by Jus's AK
<PocketSevens> For those who missed it there's proof that when you eat a lot of fish you turn into one