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Donate to my charity, run good. Its not chinese calculus.

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Donate to my charity, run good. Its not chinese calculus.

Postby Tyrannic » Wed May 21, 2008 10:31 am

I personally guarantee it.

I am a team leader for the 2008 Blowing the Whistle on Lung Disease/Asthma Run (walk/crawl) and I've spent enough time here to solicit you guys for a few bucks.

Just fyi, after donating to shammys thing(hit me back bro) i've been running over 6ptbb/100 over 40k hands of FR NL. thats pretty baller yo.

Donate-> good karma-> run good.

here is my personal fund raising page: ... &part=fund

God will like you more if you donate as well.

Thank you all so very much.
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Location: schekeltown, baby.

Postby Tyrannic » Wed May 21, 2008 11:08 am

On a personal note, I've been an asthma and allergy sufferer all my life, so this issue has personal meaning.

Half of my goal of 2k is coming from me, so its pretty achievable.
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