Geez, why do we have such incompetence in our court system? This is one reason I'm so glad I don't have any kids...except for extreme cases people should be able to raise their kids however they see fit. I might not like the way someone else raises their kids but it's none of my fucking business.
IMO, there is a message sent to kids these days with all the 'it's for the children' sentiments and the existence of all this 'protection' they have from DCF, etc. Discipline and a little bit of 'struggle' is a good thing for a child IMO. But then we go totally overboard on some other getting expelled for bringing aspirin to school, etc. and this ridic notion of 'no tolerance' policies.
Just as a start, the girl would not have a computer anymore. And if she EVER wants a cell phone or a car she better not only obey her parents but also write a letter to that judge explaining what an idiot decision that was and that she can't believe the judge was stupid enough to fall for it.
And I mean it missy!
EDIT: OK it was in Canada...I didn't know the judges were so retarded up there too.