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Moderators: TightWad, LPF Police Department


Postby iceman5 » Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:55 pm

Ive mentioned a couple times that some of the things that go on at other forums wont be tolerated here. Im all for having fun and joking around and thats not what Im talking about.

There is a rash of people signing on as other people at UPF which wont be tolerated here. Some people have user names that can be "copied" be replacing a lower case "L" with an upper case "I" which look the same. There are other examples also.

Alot of people come to count on the advice of their favorite posters and when they get advice from someone they thought was was one their favorite posters but its really an imposter, its not a good thing.

Yesterday, at UPF, someone posted under Scott Francis' name that he would raise 77 from MP. Someone else said he that was dumb ( I forget the exact words he used).

I then said that Scott is one of the best NL players I know and there is more than one way to play every hand (although I didnt recommend raising 77 in that spot). I talked to Scott to see if it was him that posted that and it turns out that it wasnt him.

Im sure you see how this can be a bad situation.
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Postby tetsuo » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:00 pm


I've listed that in my 'what is abuse' post under Schizoids.
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