by NorthView » Thu May 15, 2008 1:40 am
When you say he's mentally retarded, do you mean technically he's retarded as in having the mental age of a child? If so then I think that's the explanation - kids like to fuck about with fire etc, and the fact that he seems really nice is irrelevant because he's not doing it to harm or threaten you, but just because he can.
Does he live on his own or with family?
Mon May 12, 2008 1:46 am
When I play a patient and relaxed game I win - that simple.
Mon May 12, 2008 10:55 pm
Seriously, fuck poker.
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: mac is a fellow mexican
[21:03] Mekosking: yup
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: you should support your bro
[21:03] Mekosking: therefore hes a fat worthless tsr obv