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How do I get listed as a 'Semipro', 'Pro' or 'Enthusiast'?

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How do I get listed as a 'Semipro', 'Pro' or 'Enthusiast'?

Postby tetsuo » Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:55 pm

You'll see these kinds of descriptive comments next to some posters' names.

Pro (B&M)
Pro (Online)
Pro (B&M & Online)
Semi Pro (B&M)
Semi Pro (Online)
Semi Pro (B&M & Online)
Enthusiast (B&M)
Enthusiast (Online)
Enthusiast (B&M & Online)

An enthusiast is basically anyone who is not a pro or semi pro. It in no way connotes a particular level of experience. We have at least one 'Enthusiast' with 30 years experience, while some have just a few months!

The difference between an enthusiast and a semi-pro would be that a semi pro is past the bankroll building stage, playing at a reasonably high buyin/limit and is regularly spending a % of the winnings.

Just PM tetsuo with which one you are, and I'll do it straight away.
Last edited by tetsuo on Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:30 am, edited 18 times in total.
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