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What are the rules of this forum?

Postby LivePokerForum » Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:03 am

The rules are pretty standard.

General Behavior Policy

You may not behave in certain ways that are well known to be disruptive and/or offensive. You can find a list and description of this this kind of behavior in the following post:

In general you are highly likely to have a problem unlessyou are a spammer, have Tourette's syndrome, or enjoy trolling or flaming excessively. :D

If you see something dodgy, report it. You will not be named.

Poker Bonus Code Policy

The post below covers out bonus code policy, which is basically a longwinded way of saying 'you cannot'.

Traffic Driving and Link Policy

As far as posting links go (in signatures or topics), the rules are here.

This basically prohibits links to other forums entirely, and links to sites in which you have an interest unless expressly approved by tetsuo.

Moderation Policy

Yet to be formalized, but basically we will

* move stuff if it doesn't seem to be in the right place (we may or may not inform you depending on how much time we have)

* remove your post and ask you to repost in a separate topic if it looks to be unrelated (we will ALWAYS tell you we've done this and PM you the original text so you can repost it)

* delete your post if it looks to be in violation of the general behavior policy (and look at whether we want to warn or ban you)

IF you are questioned by a moderator or an administrator about your activities, please do not be offended! We're just trying to do our jobs properly!

Please report all misuse and abuse in the 'Report Abuse' forum.

99% of our members will never have a problem and should benefit greatly from our enforcement of these rules!
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