So this weekend here in merry old London, and England too for that matter, was a bank holiday. Which means a day off work, essentially. So this weekend, I have mostly been getting drunk. Me and Siobhan went out for Sunday dinner with the intention of having some food and a few drinks. 5 bottles of wine later, we're in a curry house and then arguing over nothing.
So I didn't play much poker.
I did just finish up a 1600 hand session though, for 19.32 pt/bb's, wooot. Total profit of $124.
No major hands, just some good ol' fashioned ABC, TAG poker.
My stats were;
I went to SD 29.5% and won at SD 62%
So you could say I ran fairly hot.
Thanks to the ever willing and knowledgable NV (and the fact he's an IT geek) I now have Pokergrapher. I won't post these up very often but here's my graph for the session.
Pokergraph is fun!
BR - $521
Unpaid Bonus - $78
Unpaid RB - $60
Total - $659
August is shaping up nicely.