Shortstack bloodbath tonight. I was up about $100 at 1/2 when this 45 minutes of ass raping happened, especially the last couple of minutes before I closed down the tables. 3-tabling:
[21:17] <emmasdad> J9 < 98 i got sucked out on
[21:17] <emmasdad>
[21:40] <emmasdad> ARG
[21:40] <emmasdad> same bitch sucked out again AT < T(
[21:40] <emmasdad> T9\
[21:42] <emmasdad> it is ok when i suck out, but when others suck out that means they are terrible and should not be allowed to live/breed
[21:43] <Trump34> isn't that a little harsh?
[21:43] <Neilis> i think it's the right line to take really
[21:44] <Trump34> well alrighty then
[21:44] <emmasdad> maybe harsh, but sometimes tough love is required
[21:44] <Trump34> troof
[21:46] <emmasdad> and QQ < A7
[21:46] <emmasdad> ugh
[21:46] <emmasdad> the swings are pretty bad short stacking
[21:47] <Neilis> I'm tempted to try shortstacking because i run so bad lately.. but then i figure.. if i can't win an allin as a 65% favourite, how is shortstackign going to work for me?
[21:48] <emmasdad> you should win asa 65% favorite about 65% of the time
[21:50] <emmasdad> and AKs < KK
[21:50] <emmasdad> getting expensive
[21:51] <Trump34> i'm up on the day...but not by much
[21:51] <emmasdad> i'm down again
[21:51] <emmasdad> alot
[21:51] <emmasdad> lost what 5 straight now
[21:51] <Trump34> 200+
[21:52] <emmasdad> 200+blinds/topping up
[21:52] <emmasdad> still not to my low of the day
[21:52] <Trump34>
[21:53] <Trump34> oops i lied....down $17.05
[22:00] <emmasdad> AKs < AA
[22:01] <emmasdad> AQs < AK
[22:01] <emmasdad> AQ < AK again
[22:01] <emmasdad> wow
[22:02] <Trump34> hmmmmm
[22:02] <Trump34> for stacks?
[22:02] <emmasdad> every one of them
[22:03] <Trump34> that blows goats