Well, had an interesting day really.
I went to work, despite the incidence of the second England vs Australia test match in the cricket today. We were doing well, so I managed to swing the afternoon off and go to my mates house to watch the last few hours. Fun stuff.
On the downside, I got a shitty email or two from the website that took £100 unsolicited out of my account without telling me. £50 was the removal of an unclaimed casino bonus (fair enough) but for some reason it seemed they've done it twice and thus removed £50 of MY money, and despite having explained the situation twice, all I get is crap, anonymous emails from customer support.
If this scandalous situation continues, following my final email to the poker manager, I will withdraw my money from the site and post the identity and full story of what (at best) is a highly unprofessional treatment of me and (at worst) tantamount to what could be construed as underhand appropriation of funds that belong to me. I have mentioned to the site that I'm a well-known poster on some online forums and have referred several people to the site as I've enjoyed playing there in the past. I won't be referring anyone there any more, but hopefully I'll get my money back and they'll save themselves from me having to air my dirty laundry with them in public...
Anyway, onto business... tonight I put in 2 and a half hours or so on the tables, I had intended to play the 5pmish WCOOP rebuy satellite at Stars but got kinda distracted by a pretty rotten start on the tables; I was only $350-400 or so down, but it was frustrating that I didn't really play any big pots (my biggest single-hand loss all night was only $100 of my cash), but every move I tried to make failed; I got re-raised on semi-bluffs and had to lay down a couple of times, and a few +EV draws missed out, so within half an hour I was stuck two $200 buyins over the 7 tables I was playing.
I recovered a bit and won my first significant pot over an hour into the session, as I lead out with top set in a $100PLO game, got raised, shoved in my stack and won it against a draw. From then on, I decided to shelve a few of the increasingly tight Stars PLO games and pick up some PLO8 on Empire. Really good move because I felt right at home as I sat down on a loose $200 table and a $100 and made $300 profit over the next hour and a half, with one very lucky high win after I pushed in a big semi-bluff with a made nut low and a single pair against two opponents, got called in two spots, hit my 3 outer for high and took 3/4 of a $500 pot. I then managed to get all in preflop against a short stack with AA26ss (I called in EP, sensible move as I'm usually stupidly tempted to raise here and end up getting into trouble too often by being aggressive on the flop against calling stations, and the $80 stack re-raised from the button, I pushed and hit trip 6s and nut low for the scoop), and then, first hand with an early post on a $200 table (where I'd bought in for $86 by accident) I found AA79ss, not a great hand but wth such a short stack I was able to get about 65% of my chips in after someone raised, so I did, forced out the other callers, we got all in and I won with trip 7s and no low possible after he tabled A2JKds.
After that, I picked up some PLO hands here and there, and played a pretty good game (I think). I even won a $40 pot with a pair of 7s which was fun.
Although the last half hour was a major cold card run and I shipped a few chips on early streets in PLO, I finished with a lucky hit in PLO8 which added another $100 pot, and ended up cashing in a $200 winner for the session, a nice $500-600 turnaround from my early session troubles. Got to be happy with that performance.
I did miss the WCOOP satellite tonight, but it was nice to add some cash to the BR solidly after last month's problems, and I have the $100 Interpoker bonus and $120 stars bonus to come in the next day or two to add to the £15 I picked up at william hill today.
OK, so here's the monthly $, not including the £50 ($90-odd) stolen from one of my accounts by incompetent site staff....
8 hours played
Solid but unspectacular start to the month, though I feel I'm playing relatively well, still not 100% up to speed and probably being too gun-shy on small pots still, and making the odd mistake. No-ones perfect I guess.
Oh, and today my attempt to upload my last 3k hands from crypto failed miserably... no idea why but i guess i'll look into it when I have time. Still not used PTO enough since I got it, but one of these days