so march sucked harder than a vacuum hose on my dick
i was lazy, didnt play well, and am running the worst i've ever ran. looks like im on a 18-20 buyin skid the last week/9k or so hands. ugh.
ended down 'only' $4500 in poker ev for the month...but fuck man i must be down like $20k in coolers and unlucky spots and shit.
im gonna play a couple more hours today but was bored and felt like doing the monthly writeup. guess i'll update tonight or something
oh..and apparantly i won the ME seat this month..even though it seems like at least a month ago. Looks like i profited $12k in the ME sngs...lost 2k in mtts....lost 6k in cash..won $1500 in the twelver stake...and thats it. Also cashed out $10k at the beginning of the month...and am gonna have to take out another $10k or so soon.
ugh now that i look at it my br is kinda lookin meh. i only have like 20k on stars and 16k on ftp. $8k in the bank....owe like $10k in taxes....wanna take at least $30k-$40k to vegas. and keep at least $20k online. hmm so it looks like i need to make like at least $30k the next 2 months if i wanna feel semi comfortable. ugh time to start grindin
"But meh, what I lack for in talent and intelligence I make up for in lack of ambition." -- Oatmealforxmas
- make more than xaston and roy