What aweird day of poker. I won, I lost, I even made a deposit at a site I had sworn off.
Only one hand worth mentioning today and unfortunately it was a loss. It was at a non-PT compatible site so I will try to recreate it from memory.
NL50 6max
Im in CO with AQo and about $50.
couple limpers and I raise 4xBB
get called by button and everyone else folds.
Flop: 4 T A suits not important to me at this point. Only after the hand is over does it become important.
I lead out with pot size bet. He calls.
Turn another 4 I can't believe he has a 4 in his hand calling me PF and if he had a set on the flop he probably would have raised. So I'm a bit puzzled but maybe he has AT. I don't want to start looking weak here so I bet half pot. He calls. Now I'm kinda worried but I can't figure what he would have that he would just be calling me.
River Q Now my 2 pair is bigger than his if he has AT so I bet 2/3 pot and he goes allin, I call.
Get this, he flips over T 4 soooooooted for the boat!!!!
I decide to chat a bit
Me: You called my 4xBB raise with 10-4? Brilliant!
Him: But it was sooooted
I almost couldn't believe he said it! I started laughing to myself but I was still pissed.
Me: Suited? What the hell does that matter?
Him: It does
Me: 10 soooooted is a garbage hand no matter what preflop!
Him: yes it is
(what? he agrees with me?)
Him: I put you on a PP or Overcards after the PFR.
OMG!, so that makes calling with T4sooooted a good play? JESUS!!!!!!
I stopped chatting, I was speechless.
That practically stacked me and I tilted off the rest of the stack on the next hand with my 2nd pair to his (same MOFO) TP!!!!!
I quit for awhile.
Played some more TD with Piers and bobby at UB. I had sworn off UB but hardly anyplace else has TD so I broke down and deposited $100.
All I can say is that I really like TD but I still have a lot of work to do. Mostly memory work of what to play and when to play it.
Also played a lot of Limit Omaha H/L today.
Todays stats:
Noble Poker NL50 6max, 37 hands, 26 minutes,
Noble Poker NL50 6max, 40 hands, 32 minutes,
Ultimate Bet .10/.25 2-7 Triple Draw, 64 hands, 80 minutes,
Ultimate Bet .50/1 Limit Omaha H/L, 11 hands, 14 minutes,
Ultimate Bet .50/1 2-7 Triple Draw, 54 hands, 52 minutes,
Ultimate Bet .50/1 Limit Omaha H/L, 158 hands, 161 minutes,
RB: 0
Bonus Progress:
Earned 98 crowns towards the next release at Noble Poker
Cleared $8.91 in UB bonus dollars. Clears surprisingly quickly playing Omaha H/L in my opinion. The best thing about the UB bonus is that it's released immediately and in incredibly small increments so thats really nice.
Time: 6h 5m