by Ricardooon » Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:40 pm
Hands: 437
BB/100: 78
Today was karma for losing about $250 due to my screwy laptop. Today was back to business, no BS. Well I have now set a new high for winnings in one day. This is def been a land mark month more me.
Well as you know I made $130 this morning in a session, big hands being an AA vs KK where three 5s came down on the board. I figure I have prob the best full house and if I lose to quads then so be it. The betting goes super nova and he turns over KK while I rake in his stack, sweet.
The afternoon session was going gay, I was down about $40 and had won about 3 hands in my first 100, and two of those were fold arounds to my raises. I was still only playing two tables as I didn't have enough to cover reloads required on 3 tables if things went poo. Well things were going boring but I was making raked hands so what the hey when this super maniac appears. He raises 3 of his first 4 hands $10 and when one guy does call him he goes all-in on the flop for $90. Sweet, this guy is my ATM, just a matter of getting him before someone else does. Through some big time bullying he is up to $160 quite fast though I think he just betting and raising with nothing most of the time. First chance is with AKs, he doesn't raise huge as he has toned it down a little, only a min raise. Its heads up so I call a dollar from the BB. Flop is rainbow, king high. I decide to let him bet then I am going to give it a wussy raise (he has been getting slapped about a few times as people adjust) and hope I can goad him into pushing. Sadly he is getting smart and folds after he bets $2 into a $5 pot and I raise it $5.
Next chance is me with 99 MP. He is LP. I limp, we have a couple of limpers already when he makes it $10 and it folds back to me. He has done this so many times now I figure he prob has crap since he has previously raised $2, $4, $5 and $7. Also he have tussled in a few small pots and he has folded to me so I reraise $35. If he pushes I am going to take it as I figure at worse I am slight fav to something like KQ. He thinks for a while then calls. Flop is two tone, 9 high! How to bleed this then. I decide to chk the flop after counting to 7, I want him to put me on something like AKs then he will push with anything that hits. He bets something like $8 and I call, again after thinking for a while since the pot is getting big. Turn is an A. This is either great for me or bad. I decide to come out firing and make it $20, pot is about $80 at this point. He min raises me which I have seen him do several times and its been folded to him. I decided again after thinking to call. I want to keep him on the line. There is still no flush and no straight draw so I am good at this point unless he has AA. River an A too so I know have the second best f/house. I fire for $50 in a $130 odd pot. He thinks but folds in the end. I got half his stack on this one.
After this I hit sets on that table with 7s and stacked someone, then hit another set with Ts on my other table, stacking a guy with AA. I was up a long way so decided to quit while I was ahead. I made a big dent in my Empire bonus, I am about 320 hands from finishing it and I am now up on the deal.
Well I am going to chill out tonight and watch the missus play some. Today is a good day and I am going to enjoy it.
Thanks for everyone who had helped me get here and good luck all.