Not a great little session last night--did you ever feel like you just can't get into a rhythm? That was me last night.
1h 24m, 250 hands, -$135.50
Just a few missed draws, a few times where an opponent made a gutsy call to pick off a bluff, and it's the difference between winning and losing.
I started to get impatient, and that's when the game gets difficult. One thing that a lot of players need to learn (and I need to remember) is that in a session, until you get into a rhythm, you need to let the game come to you. You aren't playing with rocket scientists, for the most part, and until you show them that you're not one to be screwed around with, they will call you down. I have to remember that no matter how solid a player I am, until my opponent sees it right there, what I've done for the last year plus doesn't mean squat.
Be patient--wait for some good hands. I buy in borderline short ($100 at a 3/6 table), and with a few misses, your stack can start looking pretty crappy. That promotes impatience. By waiting and not pushing marginal hands early, you get to a) accumulate some chips, b) show down solid hands, and c) get the table thinking your image is uber-tight, uber-aggressive, and that you love your made hands. People's short term memory is pretty damn good, even at 3/6 and 5/10.
Show down a couple monster hands, scoop a couple nice pots, and watch your raises get respect. It also forces many weaker players to get predictable.
This was a losing hand, but after the hand, the opponent said that my flop raise may have saved me $18.
Full Tilt Poker
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $3/$6
9 players
Pre-flop: (
9 players) Hero is BB with
UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, MP1 folds,
MP2 raises,
4 folds, Hero calls, UTG+1 calls.
Flop: (
6.5SB, 3 players)
Hero checks, UTG+1 checks,
MP2 bets,
Hero raises, UTG+1 folds, MP2 calls.
Turn: (
5.25BB, 2 players)
Hero bets, MP2 calls.
River: (
7.25BB, 2 players)
Hero bets, MP2 calls.
Final pot: 9.25BB
Hero showed Tc 6c
MP2 showed Ac Qc
By raising and having a solid table image, not to mention the ability to be a tricky player, I forced the opponent to call down with the NUT FLUSH. I really think that if he didn't have the
, he may just have folded his flush, because I'm usually so aggressive that my flop raise may have meant that I had KK and he was drawing dead or that I had 33 and he was drawing really dead. I wasn't counting on him to have the flush on the turn with me, but my aggression kept me from having my ass completely handed to me, and it put fear into the heart of a guy who had a monster.