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Postby Tiburon » Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:39 pm

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Postby Tiburon » Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:14 am

Uneventful late nighter last night. $25NL on UB.

Wrecked one table, lost a bit on a second, got stacked on a 3rd. Overall in the black, but not by much.

25NL: 234 hands (3-tabling). 1h55m: +13.30
Bonus Cleared: +5.86
Total: +19.16

Any profitable session is a good one. I should've owned it though.
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Postby Tiburon » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:30 am

Limit Lesson Post on on playing from the blinds. Wrote it yesterday from work and posted at home last night.

Not a lot of poker until Monday, with football and work (my tickets are being used today :evil: ) and home stuff, but I'm gonna try and play some NL tomorrow.
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Postby MecosKing » Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:43 pm


Hey thats a pretty good little article on blind defense! Hehe- this might be because its a bit like what i do, except i play too loose from the SB i think- i am at -0.12 from the BB (WooT!) but -0.08 from the SB, probably because i complete too often with marginal hands like J9o and shit like that. It might have something to do with the fact that the games i play (10/20, 15/30 and 20/40) offer much more of a 'discount' from the SB than the 3/6 game. (1/3bb at 3/6 vs 1/2bb for 10 and 20, and 2/3 bb (!) in the 15) I am working on tightening up my SB play, and working on 3 betting out of the SB rather than calling (in a button steal situation) so i can get the BB out, thus increasing my chances against the button, and giving myself a bit of equity in the pot (the dead BB money)

I think this is an important aspect of blind defense, although admittedly, its hard to 3 bet with QTo, A6o, and other such assorted mess. However, against a button steal, if you have a marginal hand i think the 3 bet is better than the call, because you dont want to give the BB 5:1 on his call when youve got J9o, and are in the worst position. The three bet also takes the initiative away from the raisor.

This is something i am working on, and it has brought my SB loss numbers down a little. Of course, folding is never a crime either, especially against an EP or MP raise.

As for BB defense, i personally prefer the CR rather than the weak lead, only because i really have no respect for weak leads, and i will raise with overcards against one usually, and bet the turn- in other words, i will turn the pressure up, especially against a TAG who i know is capable of folding, because usually if someones gotta hand thats worth a showdown against a raisor, they will CR it. The lead looks a little too much like a probe bet, made with a shitty hand, just so you can find out where your at for cheap.

Now if i have pegged someone as a tricky player, i will respect the weak lead alot more, because oftentimes they will use it like a reverse tell, since they realize how suspicious the weak lead looks and make it in an attempt to appear weak, to induce a raise, and then they will 3 bet your ass and you will be forced to call and peel one with your two stupid overcards, and when you miss, voila, youve now lost a pretty substantial pot. I will only raise when i have the goods against them, and when they 3 bet me i will punish thier ass with either a cap or a turn raise (I prefer the cap/lead most of the time, because often people will muck stuff to a turn raise that they would otherwise call down).

This is kindof why i like the CR more than the lead. Sure, there will be those times where you will endup losing a big pot that you aboslutely did not need to lose at all, but those are outnumbered by the times that you collect 2 extra SBs against the 'courtesy bettor' on the flop, who wouldve likely folded had you fired it.

The way i look at it is that even if im on a stone bluff, if i feel my fold equity is over 50%, like on a flop of 684 or 782 or J35 against a button thief, i am going to CR the flop, be it my flush draw, some random pair, or nothing at all, for VALUE against someone who is likely to have overcards and not be able to call me more than 1/2 the time.

Anyways theres my 2c addition to your thoughts, but like i said, great post. I think people who lose 0.18BB or more from the blinds would do well to give it a read.
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Postby Tiburon » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:45 am

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Postby Tiburon » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:59 am

Played a session on UB last night with BadBeatMan at the $25 tables. Got stacked on a STUPID play where I gambled for all my chips on a coinflip. That's what happens when you don't have PT installed on your laptop. It wasn't too bad, it was only half a stack, and I eventually won it back later:

SB is at seat 2 with $44.50.
Villain is at seat 3 with $21.60.
Hero is at seat 4 with $12.35.
UTG+1 is at seat 5 with $35.70.
MP1 is at seat 6 with $24.50.
MP2 is at seat 7 with $9.95.
CO is at seat 8 with $3.30.
Button is at seat 9 with $4.05.

SB posts the small blind of $.10.
Villain posts the big blind of $.25.

Dealt to Hero: [Ah] [Qd]

Hero raises to $.85. 1 fold. MP1 calls. MP2 calls. CO calls. 2 folds. Villain re-raises to $5.20. Hero goes all-in for $12.35. 3 folds Villain calls.

Flop: [2h] [3d] [4s]

Turn [Js] (board: [2h] [3d] [4s] [Js]):

River: [2c] (board: [2h] [3d] [4s] [Js] [2c]):

Hero shows [Qd] [Ah]: a pair of deuces.
Villain shows [Jh] [Jd]: full house, jacks full of deuces.
$1.35 is raked from a pot of $27.35.
Villain wins $26 with full house, jacks full of deuces.

The payback hands:
Converter isn't working, so to condense:

I won a $40 pot and stacked a guy (my friend Domenic) when my AK went against his AQ and I spiked BOTH the Ace and the King, and I won a $30 pot off the guy I lost to above when I hit a set of 4's on the flop and his Queens got no help.

258 hands $25 NL, +$5.20 (whoopie)
Bonus Cleared: $12.61
Overall: +$17.81 (again, whoopie)
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Postby piersmajestyk » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:11 am

Pretty nice synopsis Tib. I will say that the majority of the time I come in from the small blind against a preflop raiser I am hitting it with a three bet. I want the big blind out and I want to take charge of the hand from that point. Much easier to deal with that one player than giving the big blind 5:1 on a call and having to deal with two. When I three bet from the SB I either have a powerhouse or I have a real piece of shit and am playing back at someone that is pounding on my blinds too much.
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Postby Tiburon » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:25 am

"...Every time you cold call, god kills a puppy."

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Postby Tiburon » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:04 am

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Postby Tiburon » Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:29 pm

We got to hear the heartbeat. It was THE most awesome thing I've ever heard. I'm gonna be a dad--and I couldn't be happier.

Miserable afternoon session on the 5/10--yes--there are bad players there too. 3 hands cost me $130:

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed)

Preflop: Hero is SB with [Jd], [Kh].
UTG calls, 6 folds, Button calls, Hero completes, BB checks.

Flop: (4 SB) [Tc], [2d], [7d] (4 players)
Hero bets, BB calls, UTG folds, Button raises, Hero calls, BB folds.

Turn: (4.50 BB) [Kc] (2 players)
Hero bets, Button raises, Hero calls.

River: (8.50 BB) [6d] (2 players)
Hero checks, Button checks.

Final Pot: 8.50 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Jd Kh (one pair, kings).
Button has Th Ks (two pair, kings and tens).
Outcome: Button wins 8.50 BB.

Can't fault the guy there--my gin card happened to be HIS gin card.

This one? Bad.

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (9 handed)

Preflop: Hero is SB with [Qc], [Qs].
7 folds, Hero raises, BB calls.

Flop: (4 SB) [6d], [2h], [5c] (2 players)
Hero bets, BB calls.

Turn: (3 BB) [4c] (2 players)
Hero bets, BB raises, Hero calls.

River: (7 BB) [Jc] (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets, Hero calls.

Final Pot: 9 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Qc Qs (one pair, queens).
BB has Ac 3h (straight, six high).
Outcome: BB wins 9 BB.

He probably figured me for a steal, and I don't blame him. He just caught his best card.

Another bad one. He's behind the WHOLE way, and I bet like he is. Of course, he hits his river card.

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (9 handed)

Preflop: Hero is BB with [Ac], [Qc].
5 folds, CO raises, 2 folds, Hero calls.

Flop: (4.40 SB) [As], [Qd], [5d] (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets, Hero raises, CO calls.

Turn: (4.20 BB) [Ts] (2 players)
Hero bets, CO calls.

River: (6.20 BB) [Kh] (2 players)
Hero bets, CO raises, Hero calls.

Final Pot: 10.20 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Ac Qc (two pair, aces and queens).
CO has Ah Js (straight, ace high).
Outcome: CO wins 10.20 BB.

AM Session totals:
5/10 LHE: +$63.50, 118 hands
3/6 LHE: +$20.00, 103 hands
Total: +$83.50

PM Session totals:
5/10 LHE: -$146, 67 hands
3/6 LHE: +$61.50, 94 hands
$25 PLO: -$1.90, 42 hands
Total: -$80.60

Daily Composite: -$2.90

So on the poker front, today was the equivalent of kissing your sister. However, the one thing positive that came out of it was that I dipped my toe in 5/10, and yes, I can certainly hang there.
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Postby Tiburon » Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:29 pm

Up and down session today, until this:

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed)

Preflop: Hero is BB with [8h], [8c].
UTG calls, 1 fold, UTG+2 calls, 3 folds, CO calls, Button raises, 1 fold, Hero calls, UTG 3-bets, UTG+2 calls, CO calls, Button calls, Hero calls.

Flop: (15.40 SB) [Kd], [7c], [8d] (5 players)
Hero bets, UTG calls, UTG+2 calls, CO raises, Button calls, Hero calls, UTG calls, UTG+2 calls.

Turn: (12.70 BB) [8s] (5 players)
Hero checks, UTG checks, UTG+2 checks, CO bets, Button raises, Hero 3-bets, UTG folds, UTG+2 folds, CO calls $8 (All-In), Button calls.

River: (20.50 BB) [3d] (3 players, 1 all-in)
Hero bets, Button calls $8 (All-In).

Final Pot: 22.30 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has 8h 8c (four of a kind, eights).
CO has 5d 6d (flush, king high).
Button has Kh Ah (two pair, kings and eights).
Outcome: Hero wins 22.30 BB.

Can't beat it.

Session Totals:
$25 PLO: -$17.25, 72 hands (had flushes rivered twice, once with trip As, second time with a flopped nut straight--raised on EVERY street, caught runner-runner)
5/10 LHE: +$194.00, 83 hands

Total: $176.75

I was up about $40 before the monster hand. That was the largest pot I've ever won in a single hand. I'm quite proud of myself. Not coincidentally, I'm done for the day :D
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Postby Tiburon » Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:43 pm

Short mini-session today. Opened with one of the nicest slowplayed sets I've ever pulled off:

PokerStars 3/6 Hold'em (9 handed)

Preflop: Hero is SB with [Qc], [Qs].
3 folds, MP2 calls, 2 folds, Button calls, Hero raises, 1 fold, MP2 calls, Button calls.

Flop: (7 SB) [6c], [3s], [Qd] (3 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks, Button bets, Hero calls, MP2 calls.

Turn: (5 BB) [7c] (3 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks, Button bets, Hero raises, MP2 folds, Button calls.

River: (9 BB) [As] (2 players)
Hero bets, Button raises, Hero 3-bets, Button calls.

Final Pot: 15 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Qc Qs (three of a kind, queens).
Button has 6d Ad (two pair, aces and sixes).
Outcome: Hero wins 15 BB.

Guy didn't know it, but when I check-raised him on the turn, he was drawing dead.

Couple hands later I flopped a set of 2's, but only milked 5 BB out of it, since I led out the whole way from the BB.

After that, I lost a hand with AT vs. 44 when the guy rivered a set of 4's. He's on my buddy list after this call-fest:

PokerStars 3/6 Hold'em (3 handed)

Preflop: Hero is SB with [Ad], [Ts].
1 fold, Hero raises, BB calls.

Flop: (4 SB) [8h], [Js], [Tc] (2 players)
Hero bets, BB calls.

Turn: (3 BB) [5c] (2 players)
Hero bets, BB calls.

River: (5 BB) [4h] (2 players)
Hero bets, BB raises, Hero calls.

Final Pot: 9 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Ad Ts (one pair, tens).
BB has 4s 4c (three of a kind, fours).
Outcome: BB wins 9 BB.

Playing short-handed like we were, AT was a raising hand, and this guy just called his way down to the river where he caught his gin card. Behind the whole way--catches his two outer. Oh well, a nice session overall.

3/6 LHE, 27 hands, +$11.00, 17m

Off to watch my defending NFC champion Eagles win in KC. Enjoy folks, and good luck at the tables.
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Postby Tiburon » Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:39 pm

About 2 hours tonight single tabling on the 5/10. I think the increased stakes are making me more patient than I have been. I won some significant pots, lost a couple, but ended up with a significant win.

This is the kind of hand that virtually plays itself. Short of a suckout, this was easy as hell.

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed)

Preflop: Hero is UTG with [Ac], [Ah].
Hero raises, 1 fold, UTG+2 calls, 4 folds, Button 3-bets, 2 folds, Hero caps, UTG+2 calls, Button calls.

Flop: (13.40 SB) [3d], [8h], [Ks] (3 players)
Hero bets, UTG+2 raises, Button calls, Hero 3-bets, UTG+2 calls, Button calls.

Turn: (11.20 BB) [Jc] (3 players)
Hero bets, UTG+2 calls, Button calls.

River: (14.20 BB) [9d] (3 players)
Hero bets, UTG+2 calls, Button calls.

Final Pot: 17.20 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Ac Ah (one pair, aces).
UTG+2 has 4c Kc (one pair, kings).
Button has As Qd (high card, ace).
Outcome: Hero wins 17.20 BB.

This hand is an example of overplaying AK. I'll be glad to take advantage of his mistake.

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed)

Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with [Js], [Ts].
2 folds, Hero calls, 3 folds, CO calls, Button raises, 1 fold, BB calls, Hero calls, CO calls.

Flop: (8.40 SB) [3c], [2d], [Th] (4 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, CO folds, Button raises, BB folds, Hero 3-bets, Button calls.

Turn: (7.20 BB) [4s] (2 players)
Hero bets, Button calls.

River: (9.20 BB) [Qc] (2 players)
Hero bets, Button calls.

Final Pot: 11.20 BB

Results in white below:
Hero has Js Ts (one pair, tens).
Button has As Kc (high card, ace).
Outcome: Hero wins 11.20 BB.

And of course, the bad luck hand of the day. I had SO many outs here, I couldn't lay it down.

PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed)

Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with [Ks], [Js].
1 fold, Hero calls, 1 fold, MP1 calls, MP2 calls, 3 folds, SB completes, BB checks.

Flop: (5 SB) [9s], [8s], [Th] (5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets, MP1 calls, MP2 folds, SB calls, BB calls.

Turn: (4.50 BB) [Tc] (4 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets, MP1 folds, SB calls, BB calls.

River: (7.50 BB) [4h] (3 players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets, SB calls, BB folds.

Final Pot: 9.50 BB

Results in white below:
SB has 6d 9h (two pair, tens and nines).
Hero has Ks Js (one pair, tens).
Outcome: SB wins 9.50 BB.

Knowing what the guy had in hindsight, I had a spade draw, an open-ender, a gutter, and two overcards. I calculate 9 outs for the flush, any 7, any J, any Q, or any K. I count 19 outs. I missed them all. Oh well, you can't win them all. I only lost 3 BB here, and 1 BB was my fault for the value bet on the river...

Overall, a success.

5/10 LHE, 136 hands, +$184.00, 1hr 51m.
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Postby Tiburon » Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:12 pm

"...Every time you cold call, god kills a puppy."

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Postby piersmajestyk » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:43 pm

I would say just be content to stay playing 36 and 5-10 and start taking out the excess for something nice for vacations, nights out with the woman, diapers :lol: or what have you. Since you have a good regular job playing at these limits can provide you with some nice perks without having to sweat a small downturn. If you were to make the move to 10-20 and higher and had an extended downturn this wouldn't be much fun regardless of how much you are bringing in in the other job and I think might take alot of the enjoyment out of playing for you. You are going to be in enough stressful, tiring situations as it is soon enough you shouldn't take a chance on compounding them by playing at limits that can put a hurting on you (perhaps not so much of a monetary hurting but more of a mental strain if you should go on a several day 1000 dollar losing streak).

Perhaps another idea for you to think about is when you have 500.00 or so above your baseline BR for a particular level take a shot at the 15-30 or 20-40 game and see if you can run it up for a nice score and if you happen to lose it it won't affect your ability to continue playing at your previous level. That way you get somewhat the best of both worlds which by having another regular job allows you too get away with without worrying about the final outcome so much. Just some thoughts. Whatever you decide continued good fortune.
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