by stealthtt385 » Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:01 am
I cant win to save my life. In the past two days I have been in two Party tourneys that got cancelled. I was give $78 for one and $110 for the other. In both games I was second in chips when the games were stopped. I have been set over setted once again for a buy in. I had AK with a flop of AA2 ended up all in on the flop and lost to a rivered full house.
So, I decided to give some sngs a shot. I decided I was going to do a $50 and $100 sng. In the $50 I was dealt 22 in the SB with one MP limper and an LP limper. Flop comes AT2 and I get all of my money in the middle only to see that the late position limper had AA. Im out of the game in 15 hands. In the $100 game there was some maniac taking everyone out and the blinds were 25/50 and we were down to four. I get AKs in the BB and and call the SB all in bet who has Q7o. 7 hits on the river and I am toast on the bubble.
I am really starting to hate poker. I cant get out of this funk. It seems like every move I make gets countered and if I have a big hand and get my money in the middle I lose to a bigger hand.
I am going to give the cash games a break considering they have been poison for me for about a month now. I plan on playing 20 and 30 dollar sngs for the next week or so. If I am still losing money at that point I will take a break and do some reading and look for what the hell is wrong with my game. I think I will change my sig to I can't f***ing win.
More pee stories to come,