More day by day stats.
2,222 hands
15.93 vp$ip
6.57 pfr
3.17 PFA
5.02 hrs
1,349 hands
14.46 vp$ip
5.78 pfr
1.82 PFA
3.08 hrs
-$113.00 (won $50 in a SnG, so I only lost $63 after that. If you count the bonus I made a profit)
570 hands
14.91 vp$ip
4.74 pfr
1.91 (ha!)
1.15 hrs
-$10.57 (I won some money on black jack so the day was actually +$10)
1,976 hands
16.24 vp$ip
7.29 pfr
2.59 pfa
4.1 hrs
+$87.91 (I lost about $75 at 100nl so the day was not so great)
My roommate used the computer all day for school, so I didn't get any poker in.
I hooked up a second computer.
1,743 hands
13.94 vp$ip
5.97 pfr
2.78 PFA
3.60 hrs
2,270 hands
13.17 vp$ip
5.42 pfr
3.28 PFA
4.80 hrs
Updated Totals for March
37,752 hands
14.64 vp$ip
5.37 pfr
2.69 PFA
5.41 ptbb/100
I really love some of the players at 25nl. The guy in this hand berated me for almost half an hour because he claimed that my play was not mathematically sound. His stats after 300+ hands are 7.5/4.03/3.57. Here it is:
Party Poker (10 handed)
Preflop: Hero is MP2 with
I limp and the player behind me raises to $1.55. He has a stack of $47 and I have $25. It is $1.30 to call, and I do after the BB called.
Flop: ,
(3 players)
$5 pot. BB checks and I bet $2.50. Player behind me raises to $6 and I smooth call. BB folds.
Turn: (2 players)
$17 pot. I check. Villian bets $3 and I checkraise to $9. He takes his time to fold and tells me how lucky I am.
I usually don't show, but this time I did so he could see how his Aces got cracked. He continued to berate me on what a bad preflop call it was and that in the long run I lose money by making that call. Here is his math; I have a 1in 8ish chance of hitting my flop, so he said I lose $20 before I flop a set. I tried to explain to him over and over again that it would be closer to $12 but he would not listen. He even got a couple other players to start telling me what I bad call I made. When I closed the table I told my new friend, and his buddies that were chiming in, that they had been added to my buddy list.