My new goal for poker is to play 2k hands per week day. I figure if I do that and maintain a decent BB/100 I'll be able to move up to $200nl pretty soon. I might stick in $100nl for 50-100k hands, but I still haven't decided.
Today started out pretty miserable. It was death by short stacks for the first hour or so. Here's the hand that got it all started.
Nothing like being limp raised from the button after a limper. I figured the guy for a moron, and there was no outplaying him on the flop.
After an hour I was down 1 1/2 buy ins. Finally things started turning around and I got back in the black because of this nice little suckout. I had a hard time believing this guy had anything more than top pair because he was super agro. My original plan was to steal on the turn, but luckily I hit a set.
After that things were up and down for about an hour. I went from +$10 to up $160 in about a minute and a half without stacking a single person. I won three $50ish pots and from there the day went along very smooth. I played a couple more hours and won a couple more big pots.
This next hand I had an inside straight draw and decided to call one medium sized flop bet in order to break someone. I had four outs and figured it to be a break even call, but the implied odds gave me all the incentive I needed. The turn was a ten giving me the nuts. From there I tried keeping my opponent along for the ride.
Anyway, there were a few more interesting hands but not much else worth mentioning. Other than that I've been trying to get my VP$IP up latley. Today it was 14.57, which is up from the previous three days. I'm still not sure what an ideal VP$IP is...
Todays totals.
Total hands- 2,004
Total hours- 5.02
Total proffit- $290.06
PTBB/100- 7.24
Current Bankroll-