I remember when I started playing the $100nl games and how I doubted whether I could beat the games as easily as I beat the smaller games. I think I’ve come to the point in my poker career where I have no doubts. The players at $100nl are no better than they are anywhere else. The only difference I’ve noticed is that you can’t stack people nearly as easily, but it’s a lot easier to take small pots, which seems to fill in the BB/100 gap.
Yesterday I started the day down $270. A while ago I probably would have called it a day and steamed over it all night. Now I feel like playing through the downswing is the most logical solution. I kept telling myself that I was playing good poker and that it would eventually turn around. At about hand 1450 I don’t know what happened but I hit on of the best heaters of my life. In just a couple hundred hands I basically won 4 and a half buy ins. The rest of the night wasn’t so superb, but I still ended the day up $250+.
I’ve been mixing my game up a lot more lately. Yesterday I played 2,166 hands and had my vp$ip at 21.47% and my pre flop raising at 10.57%. During the last 1k hands it was more like 35/15. I was getting players to play bad against me. There were people commenting to me in the chat box about how they were just waiting to stack me. I ended up stacking two of them. I took $230 off one guy alone who was trying to bluff me with a pair of 2’s. The hand I stacked him on was a hand I normally wouldn’t have called, but I had picked off one of his bluffs just a few hands earlier, so I thought he was making a move on me.
Overall I’ve been very happy with my play these past couple weeks. I haven’t played much, but everything seems to be clicking when I do. I feel like my reads have been dead on and my mistakes have been few and far between (for the most part). In two days on the poker room network I’ve made 1k. It’s time to change the name of this journal.
Graph of yesterdays session