The month is still going well ... I'm running at 10.37BB/100 at 50PLO (5K hands) ... and unfortunately -2.07BB/100 at 100PLO (2K hands). With RB I should achieve $1K for week 1. (Barring any unpleasant surprises today.)
I am definitely eager to fully transition over to 100PLO. I find no major difference in the skill level of my opponents ... in fact it may even be a little easier. (Despite the discrepancy in my BB/100 numbers.) I'm very confident that I can beat 100PLO, and am also looking forward to the extra RB and the smaller percentage of rake paid per dollar earned. I am not confident at all that I can avoid tilting on a bad run though. IMO, I'm not sufficiently rolled for 100PLO yet, but I'm also not in a risky area where I can't fall back if it's not going well.
I feel that I am right on that cusp of breaking out. I've been diligent for over a year at learning, and playing for what really amounts to little reward over the course of that year. I think that all the effort has paid off, and I am now achieving the goals I had set out for myself 6 months ago. I truly hope that I don't hit some horrible bad spell ... as I think that I am only weeks, perhaps a couple of months, away from achieving what to me would be great success. I don't need to win a million bucks at the WSOP ... I just want to create and maintain a better than average financial situation without having to *work* for it. It's the Canadian dream, eh.
On a more personal level, it's been an emotionally challenging weekend. I was playing the cards tonight a bit to take my mind off of it. My brother-in-law was nearly killed in a highway accident. As it is, he escaped with a fractured spine and one hell of a goose-egg on his forehead. (He looked like a Klingon.) Kirsten and I went to pick him up from the hospital and it was pretty upsetting when the reality hit. There was no collision fortunately. What occured was that his truck (now a write-off) went off the road ... hit the embankment and bounced a couple of times. The first bounce was sufficient to angle the truck sideways on two wheels ... which is the ONLY thing that saved him from slamming headfirst into the phone pole. It was close enough that had the truck been on four wheels instead of angled on the two it would have collided. I've known him since he was 8 years old (he's 20 now) so it was just really upsetting considering what could have happened.
In addition to that ... my grandmother has been sick for some time ... she had a surgery almost two months ago which required the incision to remain open (still not healed!!!) ... there was a complication today and we almost lost her. Even as I write this I'm just home for a rest ... waiting for a phone call if they determine that they will re-operate or not. She's in a lot of pain, and it's hard to watch. I saw her this afternoon ... left for dinner ... and got a call which sent us racing back to the hospital as we thought we were going to lose her right then and there. The doctors were asking us to consider how far we wanted to go with medical measures. Fortunately she re-stabilized, and as I said ... we're just waiting to find out how things go overnight. I'm back at the hospital in the morning.
It is too true that life and poker are similar. I want a big heater for both.
<Big_Leon> start with the RAZZ tourney?
<pokerzen1> when did the razz tourney start?
<Big_Leon> starts in 2 minutes
<Big_Leon> just drew seats
<pokerzen1> too late then
<pokerzen1> damn damn damn
<Big_Leon> no, it's not too late gogogogogo
<pokerzen1> what's the tourney number?
<Big_Leon> 55852225
<Big_Leon> password is - irunbad i think
<Big_Leon> irunbad
<pokerzen1> made it
<pokerzen1> okay now how do you play razz?
<Big_Leon> i have no idea