by AdamtheExpert » Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:39 am
Ok, so very few are visiting MY section . . . .So, I'll just escape from my cage, and post elsewhere.
For anyone out there, who wishes to be successful in no limit tournametns . . . FOR GOD
SAKE!! If you don't know by heart, all the most pertinant matchups
LEARN THEM!! GEEEEEEZE, there won't be time to use the card calculator, in the heat of the moment. Ha ha, a past student who wanted to know how to be more successful, told me "yeah, I'm going to get around to that"
Gee, I guees that guy just doesn't like money.
I cannot imagine ANYONE who plays no limit tournaments, not knowing the major matchup odds!!!!
You should know the following"
AK vrs pair (varies a LITTLE, depending on pair)
AKs vrs Pair
AK vrs weaker ace
AK vrs two undercards
Ak vrs two undercrds, suited and connecting with maximum strecth (such as j10s)
AA vrs other pair
AA vrs good suited connector
AA vrs AK or other ace hand
AK vrs KK
AK vrs QQ or less
small pair, vrs to overcards
small pair, vrs quality suited connecting overcards
These are the most important.
And, of course, you should look at my famous chart, showing your pair, your position and the odds of anyone having a better pair.
Next, you should be aware of the various flop matchups: such as
Top pair vrs overpair
Set vrs flush draw
Pari vrs flush draw
Pair vrs pair and flush draw
Pair vrs double overcard flush draw
pair vrs double overcard open straight
pair vrs flush draw and gutterball straight draw and overcard
two pair, vrs pocket over pair
made straight vrs gut overstraight and flush draw
overpair vrs small pair plus flush draw (like the one KELLER beat the Martin DeKnefe)
And, any other ones that you can think of.
Of course, you will have to get good at putting your opponent on a hand, but when you do, you had
%^@&#$%&@$%^ BETTER know these odds.
My God, am I giving away the whole store, or what.
Soon, I will have nothing left for books.